
Order Summary | Pack and Plan: 1 h, 4 h, 10...

SKU N/A Category:


Attention to the contractual rules

1. We offer individual and non-transferable plans for the practice of physical
activities, sports nutrition, and individual or group physical evaluation.
2. Our plan is valid for up to 3 (three) months.
3. We offer plans of 12 (twelve), 24 (twenty-four), or 30 (thirty) hours of sports
4. Additional packages of 1 (one) hour and 4 (four) hours can be made available
to new and existing users in individual or group classes.
5. We offer plans for strength training, cycling, and paddle-boarding activities.
6. The plans take advantage of all modalities, such as strength training, cycling,
and stand up paddle boarding, for the maximum time contracted in each plan.
7. Each training session, whether individual or in a group of up to 5 (five) people,
must be scheduled at least one week in advance, and each session lasts up to
60 (sixty) minutes.
8. In the case of group training, each user must individually contract his/her
training package.
9. The activities must take place between 2 (two) and 3 (three) times a week for
as long as there is a balance of hours available in the plan contracted by the
10. In addition to strength training, cycling, and stand up paddle boarding, the
training offers the user a warm-up, stretching, technical improvement, and
exercise practice for better physical conditioning and technical autonomy.
11. Training can occur on the internet, in parks, homes, or gyms (whether private
or gyms with free access to MCX (Multiple Custom Exercise) Lifestyle for their
12. Each training session is taught by a certified professional.
13. For group training of 3 (three) to 5 (five) people, the MCX Lifestyle may provide
up to two professionals for monitoring, mentoring, and coaching.
14. The user can use the 12 (twelve), 24 (twenty-four), and 30 (thirty) hour plans
for up to two physical evaluations: one before the start of his/her plan, and the
other at the end of the contracted hours. The physical evaluation aims to
identify the user’s goals and plan exercises and routines that must be followed.
In that case, both sessions will be taken out of the training plan. For example,
the user contracts 12 (twelve) hours and wants two physical evaluations; 12
(twelve) hours contracted – (minus) 2 hours of physical evaluation = 10 hours
of training.
15. In addition to face-to-face training, the MCX Lifestyle offers a training program
for days when licensed professionals will not monitor the student under the
MCX methodology.
Multiple Custom Exercises MCX Lifestyle © . All rights reserved. Change your Life
16. The MCX Lifestyle also offers a sports nutrition consultation in the 12 (twelve),
24 (twenty-four), and 30 (thirty) hour plans. If this is the case, the consultation
will be taken out of the training plan. For example, the user contracts 12 (twelve)
hours and wants two physical evaluations; 12 (twelve) hours contracted –
(minus) 2 hours of physical evaluation – (minus) 1 hour of sports nutrition
consultation = 09 (nine) hours of training.
17. Users who do not wish to use their training hours to take advantage of the
physical evaluation and sports nutrition services can purchase a discount
voucher on the website.
18. Users who wish to purchase additional training hours, 1 (one) or 4 (four) hours,
can purchase a discount voucher on the website.
19. One-to-one and four (4) hour training can be purchased on the website by
existing users and new users.
20. Users who make a one-time purchase of a 1 (one) or 4 (four) hour training
session can purchase the physical evaluation and the sports nutrition
consultation through a discount voucher on the website.
21. In the case of the need to move the MCX Lifestyle team, the cost for the time
in dollars will be added to the training amount, as the area is outside the free
site, plus the amount in dollars equivalent to the relocation (round trip mileage).
22. There will be no relocation fee in the pre-established locations determined by
the MCX Lifestyle as free areas.
23. There will be no round trip mileage fee in the pre-established locations
determined by the MCX Lifestyle as free areas.
24. All the equipment necessary for home, park, lake, and ocean training will be
made available by MCX Lifestyle, except for clothing and accessories.
25. In case of cancellation of a session by the user, he/she must give at least 48
(forty-eight) hours notice in advance. Otherwise, the hours and amounts will be
charged normally.
26. In case of the plan’s cancellation, the user must pay at least 50% of the
contracted amount.
27. Our services can be marketed through a website, social networks, electronic
mail, or in-person by our sales representatives.
28. All prices and plans are updated every month and may change the price,
promotional campaign, length of service, or the number of users per activity.
29. The contracted and paid services will be maintained regardless of any changes
in the pricing and promotions policy.
30. MCX Lifestyle.ca may change any conditions related to this document at any
Multiple Custom Exercises MCX Lifestyle © . All rights reserved. Change your Life
All terms and conditions of this document and its attachments are confidential and the
exclusive property of MCX Lifestyle.ca, and it is characterized as a business secret.
Therefore, such information must be treated with absolute confidentiality and must not be
revealed by any means, copied, duplicated, or used, in whole or in part for any purpose
other than solely and exclusively for evaluating this material. The information described
in this document cannot be shared with third parties, except with prior and express
approval by the legal representatives of MCX Lifestyle.ca, subject to the conditions
established in such approval and applicable law

Additional information



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Special 4u

    Health Assessment

    Client Information Package

    This questionnaire will help us know you better before any activity. We heads up you if is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor or a another qualifed professional before becoming to start training.

      Emergency Contact

      Parent Information

      Fitness Related Questions

      Lifestyle and Behavior Related Questions

      Personal Training Contract - MCX Lifestyle

      Congratulations on your decision to participate in a training program with MCX Lifestyle! With the help of your kinesiologist/personal trainer/coach, you can greatly improve your ability to accomplish your training goals faster, safer, and with maximum benefits. The learnings from these training sessions can be used for a lifetime.

      Terms and Conditions

      This Independent Contractor Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between the Client and MCX Lifestyle, and is effective as of the date the MCX Lifestyle Health Assessment is completed and sent by the Client to MCX Lifestyle (“Effective Date”).

      1. Services

      • a. MCX Lifestyle agrees to provide in-person and/or virtual personal training sessions to the Client (“Personal Training Sessions”).

      • b. In addition, MCX may provide additional customized services to the Client, which may include but are not limited to:

        • i. Goal setting and progress tracking

        • ii. Customized fitness and exercise routines

        • iii. General nutrition counselling (collectively, “Additional Services”).

      2. Fees

      • a. In consideration for the provision of Personal Training Sessions, the Client agrees to pay the contractor fess in accordance with the fee schedule provided on MCX’s website (www.mcxlifestyle.ca), which may be updated from time-to-time at MCX Lifestyle’s sole discretion (“Fees”).

      • b. In addition, MCX Lifestyle and the Client may agree to fees for Additional Services.

      • c. All Fees, including fees for Additional Services, may be paid by way of credit card, e-transfer or PayPal, which can be accessed through MCX Lifestyle’s website (www.mcxlifestyle.ca). The Client may purchase additional Personal Training Services or Additional Services at any time without the need to execute a new Agreement.

      3. Scheduling and Cancellations

      • a. MCX Lifestyle and the Client will agree on and set a schedule for the Personal Training Sessions at the commencement of this Agreement (“Training Schedule”). The Training Schedule may be amended by the Parties upon mutual agreement for the following month.

      • b. The Client may reschedule or cancel a Personal Training Session by notifying MCX Lifestyle at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to provide 24 hour notice will result in forfeiture of the Personal Training Session and associated Fees.

      • c. If the Client arrives late for the Personal Training Session, the Client will receive training services for the remainder of the scheduled time, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon with MCX Lifestyle in advance.

      • d. No refunds will be issued by MCX Lifestyle for any reason, including but not limited to cancellation, illness, relocation or termination of this Agreement.

      4. Termination

      • a. MCX Lifestyle and the Client may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice to the other party.

      • b. Any Personal Training Sessions paid for at the time of termination of this Agreement must be scheduled and completed within 120 days from the termination of the Agreement. Any unused Personal Training Sessions are void after this time period.

      5. Assumption of Risk and Release

      • a. The Client acknowledges that the Personal Training Sessions and Additional Services may be associated with health and safety risks typically present in physical training and exercise programs, including but limited to increased heart stress and the chance of musculoskeletal injuries.

      • b. The client agrees that they are voluntarily participating in the Personal Training Sessions and Additional Services, and assume all risk of injury, illness, damage, or loss that may result from such participation.

      • c. The Client agrees to release and discharge MCX Lifestyle and its employees from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown) arising out of the Client’s participation in the Personal Training Sessions or Additional Services, including but not limited to negligence, whether active or passive, on the part of MCX Lifestyle or its employees.

      6. Representations

      • a. MCX Lifestyle represents and warrants that it has employed competent, knowledgeable staff with the necessary subject matter expertise to provide Personal Training Sessions and Additional Services to the Client.

      • b. MCX Lifestyle represents and warrants that it has obtained the necessary education, certifications and insurance coverage to offer Personal Training Sessions and Additional Services to the Client.

      • c. The Client represents and warrants that they are of good physical and mental health, with no limiting physical conditions or disabilities that would preclude participation in an exercise program. If the Client has any physical conditions, limitations or injuries, they will promptly bring this to the attention of MCX Lifestyle so that appropriate measures can be taken to adjust the Personal Training Sessions or Additional Services.

      7. General:

      • a. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersedes all prior written or oral agreements and all negotiations, conversations or other communications or understandings of the parties with respect to the subject matter described herein.

      • b. This Agreement is not assignable by either party in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the other party.

      • c. All disputes and claims are subject to the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada, and the parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia.

      Share on Your Social Network

      We value our MCX Lifestyle Community. Share your journey with your personal and professional network and help more people experience the MCX Lifestyle.


      Career and Talent

      We are a startup with over 20 years of experience in fitness and nutrition.